Downloading a wordpress blog?

I’m attempting to download the entirety of my blog, which is located here:

And I am completely failing.

I opened File → Import → Website, and entered the URL into the download manager. The download manager cycled through 2,000+ web pages and downloaded nothing, as far as I can see.

So I tried again. I pasted the URL into the download manager, clicked OK, and got an error bloop-sound. No error message.

Neither Google nor the manual is telling me what to do here.

What am I doing wrong? How do I download the whole website?


One additional piece of information that’s important: the blog is hosted on, and I have made minimal changes to the default configuration. There is no reason I can think of that crawling the blog would be blocked on the server side, unless does that by default, which is entirely possible.

Try again with Follow Links set to In Subdirectories


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This seems to have worked. I also set it to overwrite previous downloads — I think I was getting that “bloop” sound because DevonThink thought I’d already downloaded that site.


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