Dragging files out of DEVONthink Pro Office

Is there a way to move individual files out of DEVONthink without leaving a duplicate within DEVONthink? Having to delete these files within DEVONthink after exporting them, is a little-bit of a hassle.

I want to use DEVONthink to OCR my scans from the ScanSnap. Afterwards I want to get them out of DEVONthink and store them directly on my Mac. (I only want to use DEVONthink for bigger projects that involve a multitude of files.)

Hi. Why not just index a folder and move your PDFs in and out of that. The files will automatically disappear from your DT database.

Why not just OCR the files outside DEVONthink? :question:

@FROBGOBLIN Thanks! I will give that a try.

@BLEUFROG Thanks for your suggestion, but I want to use the Abby Finereader Engine that comes with DEVONthink. I did some testing and this-one is definitely the best.

No problem. Oh, and sorry about Han. (spoiler alert! :mrgreen: )

@BLUEFROG: Spoiler Alert LOL! We’re all such a nerds here, that I doubt very much that there still is anybody who missed the last episode. Anyway, your compassion is very much appreciated :wink: .

:smiley: Haha - nice!