DT Windows with smaller width

Not the most important thing in the world. But would it be possible for DT to display less wide RTF windows? That would help me to display several side by side. For comparison the minimum width of DT and TextEdit.

And since @BLUEFROG always refers to the Finder: Yes, the Finder can also display windows with less width. :smirk:

Maybe @cgrunenberg can include this in a next version if he gets bored and really has nothing else to do. :innocent:

Edit: Interestingly, DT can already do this if you don’t open a document in a new window.

I wouldn‘t hold my breath that this will ever happen. At least unless AI will do my job :wink:


Do you mean that you are bored or that the window can be made less wide? :joy:

Probably both, but I had to give it a try.

I only meant boredom :slight_smile:

Well, you can also reduce the minimum width if you don’t get bored.

Seriously, thanks, if you have time for that one day :slightly_smiling_face:

The next release will reduce the minimum width if inspectors are hidden :grin:


That’s great, thank you very much, Christian!