DT3 and Bibdesk

Thank you for sharing it. As far as I can see our scripts serve two different purposes. Perhaps I should have made clear that…

  1. I have the PDF file on DT3 and that…
  2. …what I want to do is to get the meta data from a BIBDESK reference into the MD fields of my PDF file on DT3.

Here are some screen caps of what I am doing.

The problem:

I have a pdf file on DT3 without the appropriate metadata.

First I will look for the reference using the Reference Importer workflow on Alfred.

The reference will then open on BibDesk. While having my pdf file selected on DT3, I will select the imported reference and run the script. The metadata will then get transferred.

After reviewing the metadata and making sure everything is in place, I then run the Add Reference smart-rule script posted on this thread.

It will then generate the complete reference to use as the file name. It will also add the bibkey as an alias.

It certainly could be improved, but it is already much better than what I was doing before using Bookends.

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