DT3 Database missing files - shows over 5 GB size on disk but only 900 MB of files are visible on opening it

As the title says - one of my DT Databases is missing files - shows over 5 GB size on disk but only 900 MB of files are visible on opening it. It is an encrypted database and I cannot find any of the files I have stored on it except for the 900 MB folder which only contains photographs. These files were never indexed or moved. How can I fix this? Appreciate any help.

Encrypted databases are based on sparse images which can only grow but not shrink. Are really any files missing, e.g. does File > Verify & Repair Database report any issues?

Apologies for the delayed response, didn’t know I had a reply. Thank you - so Verify & Repair Database does not show any errors. Can still only see data of about 900 MB while the total database size is 5.51 GB. Have tried emptying the DT3 trash to see if perhaps the size was because of linked deleted files but that didn’t help.

The size of the database in the Finder doesn’t really matter (due to internal metadata, search index, backups etc.) and as e.g. indexed items aren’t counted by the Finder either. Only the size shown in File > Database Properties is relevant.


Hold the Option key and choose Help > Report bug to start a support ticket.

Thank you! Will do