DTP or external Markdown editor?

I am using the integrated MD editor of DTP. I try to use additional apps only if they offer a relevant benefit. Are you using external MD editors?

  1. If yes, which editor do you use?
  2. which benefit do you see over DTP’s editor, which is already quite good!
  3. do you open DTP MD files in the external app by clicking on the icon in the menu bar or do you open them with a shortcut? if yes, how?

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience

This is one of those topics that gets discussed a lot. Here is one thread which may help…

FYI - I tend to display MD in preview in DT and edit using IA Writer as it has useful writing highlighting. I have both DT and IA Writer using a similar GitHub style CSS so preview looks similar in both.


what do you mean with "useful writing highlighting?

do obsidian, iwriter pro, typora (or any other markdown editor) have any potential advantage compared to editing / viewing MD files directly in devonthink?

The first thing to consider is the ‘flavour’ of markdown you will be using. DT uses multimarkdown. IA writer uses a subset of multimarkdown plus wiki links (not a markdown standard but used by DT). Obsidian uses wikilinks but has its own version of markdown. IWriter pro does implement multimarkdown but not wikilinks. Typora is again has its own version of markdown based (I think) on common mark.

I do a lot of writing and IA writer allows you to highlight verbs, adverbs, adjectives and also highlights redundant words/phrases. This helps me write well.

Typora tries to be more wysiwyg, hiding the markdown once entered. There is Markdown Composer (which is free) and does implement full multimarkdown like DT.

Then others included Macdown, BBedit, and the list goes on but few have the full multimarkdown spec.

My only advice is find the editor that suits you, DT itself is pretty good. The only reason I use IA writer is the additional writing aids it has.

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I use the DT editor to write for myself (i.e. note-taking). The DT feature indispensable to me is actually not markdown related; it’s the ability to tag tags, which enables me to organize and maintain a broad web of topics for easy navigation. The other markdown editors I have tried only support nested tags, which is not adequate for my needs.

It’s possible for me to write in e.g. Obsidian and then organize with DT. I did exactly that for a brief period of time. Then I convinced myself that I can live without the visual niceties offered by Obsidian, such as callouts. Obsidian disappeared from my device on the very same day.