DTPO 2.11.3 won't allow search or edit? expired 31 August?

Worked fine yesterday. Today being asked for my account and license info. Put in the DTPO 2 data and nothing, still can’t get it backed in unlocked form.

Yes I have used it to go to rev 3 but since it’s still in beta I won’t upgrade until it’s rea. Now I can’t use my old system.

This is very odd. How do I get access back to all my stuff?

Do you have a license for DT3? When you install DT3 and still have DT2 on the same device/account, some sort of expiry mechanism seems to trigger - or certainly that’s what happened to me on one of my devices. DT2 no longer accepted the license data I had received with DT2, but did accept the license data I received for DT3.

TL;DR: if you have license data for DT3, you can use it for DT2.

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I’ll go try that.

That worked, thanks!

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