With DTTG 3.8.1 and iOS 17.3.1 all my DTTG shortcuts (9) are broken.
iOS says : “Cannot execute create item. Communication problem with the app” (my own translation from french error message)
I try to create a new shortcut, I still have the same message.
Can’t use my DTTG shortcut any more
Does it work after restarting DEVONthink To Go or rebooting the device?
Same error after having restarted the device.
I had the same problem
Was only able to fix it by deleting and reinstalling the DTTG app
Start a support ticket and include a link to the shortcut. We can’t test what we don’t have access to.
I deleted and reinstalled the DTTG app and the problem has been fixed. Thx @DTLow.
I will do that @BLUEFROG