DTTG 3.8.1 Shortcut not working any more

With DTTG 3.8.1 and iOS 17.3.1 all my DTTG shortcuts (9) are broken.
iOS says : “Cannot execute create item. Communication problem with the app” (my own translation from french error message)
I try to create a new shortcut, I still have the same message.
Can’t use my DTTG shortcut any more :frowning:

Does it work after restarting DEVONthink To Go or rebooting the device?

Same error after having restarted the device.

I had the same problem
Was only able to fix it by deleting and reinstalling the DTTG app

Start a support ticket and include a link to the shortcut. We can’t test what we don’t have access to.

I deleted and reinstalled the DTTG app and the problem has been fixed. Thx @DTLow.

I will do that @BLUEFROG