DTTG bottom tab bar is inaccessible

The tab bar at the bottom of DTTG is not rendering. Can’t access settings or new item actions.

This is on an iPhone 14 Pro running iOS 17.4.1.

I’ve attempted to restart both the app and my device but still an issue. Also an issue in landscape mode.

Happy to provide other details if needed.

Welcome @kyle
This is an extremely rare issue we cannot reproduce and don’t have any good information leading to a culprit. In this instance a delete and reinstallation is the only recourse. You’ll also need to set up your sync location and import your databases again.

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll try that today.

One piece of information that may be helpful here for reproducing the issue is that this bug appeared only after restoring my iPhone from a backup.

Backup was the standard Apple iCloud backup?

I backup locally (with encryption enabled) to my MacBook Pro.

You’re welcome!

May I ask what prompted the restoration?

Sadly my phone errored during an iOS update and completely bricked the device.

Ugh! Sorry to hear that but thanks for the clarification. :slight_smile:

Just ran across this thread and this is the exact issue I’ve been having with DTTG. It sounds like nuking the app is the only way to fix this? Any progress in finding the problem since last April?
iPhone 13

Welcome @highvoltage

Sorry but no, there’s no other recourse at this point. It’s not even something we can reproduce at will.