DTTG Manual 3.5.7 corrections

Two things regarding the manual version (3.5.7) I just downloaded:

  1. p65 - The UTI list has two entries on the first line
    com.adobe.pdf com.apple.applescript.script
  2. p61 - there is no entry for the action “Create Note” in the Available Actions list. Weirdly, if you add this action to a shortcut and run it, it asks if you want to make a note in iCloud, no Devonthink options available. Makes me think this isn’t actually a DEVONThink action but what do I, or anyone for that matter, know about the dark mystery of how Shortcuts is supposed to work.

Good finding! Just a formatting issue in the PDF. Corrected.

I just checked and there is no Create Note Shortcuts action for DEVONthink To Go. There is such an action but it should only be available in the context menu when long-pressing the app icon. Where do you see such an action?

Putting this screenshot here in case someone hasn’t seen the other thread