DTTG - Previews available but no files will download

I am using webdav with fastmail’s server(s); everything was OK but I purchased a new iPad and the trouble began.

I turned off sync on my phone and deleted my database. Then I set up a new syncstore in DT, using encryption. I would like to disable that for troubleshooting but when I do I can’t eliminate the “invalid sync key” message in DTTG.

The sync process seems to go fine in DT, with no log entries to indicate a problem. When I go to either mobile device, everything is in place and I have file previews but nothing will download (set to ‘On Demand’).

I tried cleaning the database, and deleting them from each mobile device - starting over I suppose - to no avail.

I’ll add that on both devices, when I press the info button to check the setting to download always or on demand - neither is checked. If I then make either selection, and close this window, happens. Pressing the info button again reveals that once again both options are deselected.

Is a verification of the sync store successful? In addition, are the contents of these files available on any other devices/computers?

Verification is successful. All contents are available on my MacBook Pro.

This might be resolved: out of impatience I created a new sync store; on my iPad everything is there and downloading on demand.

Fingers crossed…

PS: For future issues like this with DEVONthink To Go, please select ? > Contact Us to start support tickets. Thank you.

I will, excuse the question but why? I thought the forums were to be checked into before official support channels?

For deeper technical issues we suggest opening a ticket. No harm, no foul either way