DTTG, Syncing & Unsyncing Multiple Databases


I have a question about how DTTG handles syncing and unsyncing multiple databases

Why doesn’t DTTG automatically remove the databases from the home screen once you unsync the database from the iCloud settings in order to save space on your iPhone?

I’ve been using DEVONThink 3 along with DEVONthink To Go on the iPhone for about a year.

I’m not really a power user, so I’ve just been keeping all of my folders in one single database (Global Inbox) and syncing everything to the iOS app (DTTG).

However, recently I decided to start creating multiple databases.

But when I unsync a database within DTTG, the database is still sitting there in DTTG.

The only workaround that I have been able to figure out is to manually delete the database from the iPhone after the original unsync.

I don’t understand why the database doesn’t disappear automatically from DTTG app once you’ve told it to stop syncing. That seems like a strange UI/UX design choice to me.

Are you just really not supposed to get into the habit of syncing and unsyncing databases in DTTG?

Or am I just using DT3 + DTTG incorrectly?

There are actually several reasons, e.g. this might be only temporarily disabled by the user or to prepare switching to another sync location or the database is a static archive and doesn’t need to be synchronized anymore after importing etc.

And one additional step is of course not a major overhead.