I am attempting to sync my DevonThink (V 3.85) databases between my Mac(s); iPad; and iPhone using WebDav running on a Synology DS220+.
I have read and followed an excellent thread found in the forum (How to use Synology NAS as sync store). I am unable to access the WebDav server and sync when outside the LAN.
To be clear, I have set up an “internal” sync on DTTG with the following scheme:
URL: https://10.0.0.XX:5006/dtsync/
(Where dtsync is the name of the sync store in the Synology service.)
User Name: XXXXXX
The above works perfectly across all databases while on the LAN.
I have set up a second, identical, DTTG sync service with the exception of the URL:
The quickconnect.to address shows "normal in the Synology Control Panel but no joy when attempting access outside the LAN via another Wi-Fi and/or cellular network. (In fact, this set up isn’t working even inside the LAN.)
My NetGear router table is set to forward ports 5005-5006 to the same ports to the internal IP address set up for the Synology NAS on the network.
To troubleshoot if the problem(s) are in some way caused by the quickconnect.to framework, I have set up a XXXXXX.synology.me URL (which also has a Normal Status in Control Panel). Neither configuration allows sync.
Performing the sync using this configuration I “see” the various database names in DTTG but no sync takes place. (S0 I “assume” there is at least a handshake connection to get the names.)
The error I am receiving in the log currently is , “Invalid Encryption Key.” To my knowledge, there is no encryption key attached to this sync store (but there was a key I used when using iCloud sync between these devices some time ago. This sync method proved very unreliable which is why I moved to WebDav to begin with).
I am fine with no encryption key as I am the only one accessing this data and it isn’t particularly sensitive or useful to others. Can I clear any possible encryption key associated with the store?
As part of my troubleshooting, I did find a key in the KeyChain Application, (DEVONcloudy Encryption (WebDAV)) on the Mac I have with me (running 12.4) and tried copying/pasting this key into the DTTG sync configuration. This also didn’t resolve the problem and I have since cleared it from the set up on my iPad. The error in the DT log persists…
Since I can sync while internal to the LAN, I am doubly confused by this error message as I have no encryption key entered in this DTTG configuration (that is viewable or known to me).
I am able to sync devices across the internal LAN and have multiple backups of my databases via Time Machine, CCC, and BackBlaze so with proper care, I am willing to take steps to rebuild the Sync Store if that is a useful recourse. I don’t think the store itself is corrupt since sync is possible with the internal URL.
I have exhausted the troubleshooting steps which I am able to research and explore. If this is purely a Synology/port forwarding (NetGear RAX 75 router) issue, I will reach out on forums more focused to these devices. I thought I would start here and see if log files, or someone may have an inspiration worth exploring.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts, help, or assistance with this issue. I hope you have a wonderful day!