DTTG used to contain all DT items, but now does not seem to do so

I’ve been using DT and DTTG for some months with them synchronizing together. Until yesterday it appears that all items were indeed duplicated and I could successfully search for items on either platform.

Sync appears to be working, but many items that I see in DT all of a sudden don’t appear to be findable in DTTG!

Comparing the Database Properties from DT and DTTG (see 1st two attachments above), most of the objects seem to be identical or very close in number of items (such as “PDFs”, “Groups”, “Images”, etc. and both platforms are showing a size of 17 GB.

Looking at the “main pages” above, In DT there are thousands of items in the second column when I click on the main database name in the 1st column, but in DTTG (which is only showing 750 items!) the list is only 5-6 screen-swipes long.

Comparing screenshots of the “main page” from both DT and DTTG, we can see that the DTTG “Databases” section only shows “750” items, even though the Properties shown earlier indicates that DTTG has 17,772 PDFs. And I can not Find text strings within PDFs in DTTG that I can find in DT.

Considering that both DT and DTTG Properties indicate they each contain the 17,772 PDFs, what have I done to restrict the display (and search ability) of all of those in DTTG, and how can I restore the full visibility of all items?

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

All your redacting makes troubleshooting more difficult, especially when you’ve hidden the item counts.

That being said, it appears nothing is really wrong here. In DEVONthink To Go, you’re not seeing the number of items in the database. You’re seeing the number of unread items. And if you added up the emboldened numbers in DEVONthink (also indiciating unread items), it is actually 748. That could be a subtle difference in item counts or databases that haven’t fully synced yet.

Also, a screen capture in the root of the database in DEVONthink To Go showing the bottom toolbar would be useful.

I did try to minimize the redactions, but if you need some of the redacted info please let me know specifically what would be helpful. Here is the full root database in DTTG with only the name of the main database redacted (the same database in the DT images):

So now I understand that the “750” is an unread count. But it still does not explain why I can only observe or search on an apparently small subset of the DT database in DTTG – words that show up in tens of DT-searched items are now returning no hits in DTTG.

I also find it odd that in DT the Global Inbox shows an unread count of 24 while DTTG shows a count of 44, even though manually looking at both the DT and DTTG Global Inboxes they contain the same number of items?

Again, all this seemed to work until recently, so I’m wondering if I unintentionally changed something.

Still stuck, and it’s imperative for my use case to be able to search successfully for items via each platform. How can I troubleshoot this please?

That is the databases screen, not the root of the database. Tap the database. Now you’re in the root of it. What is shown there?

On the Mac screenshot, it appears that you have close to 750 unread items. That may or may not be relevant.

That is the databases screen, not the root of the database. Tap the database. Now you’re in the root of it. What is shown there?

Are you asking about on the Mac or iPhone? On the Mac when I click on the (redacted) name of the database it goes to a column display showing thousands of entries as expected.

On the iPhone, tapping on the redacted database name yields what at first appears to be a list of the items and groups in the database, but it only displays about 10 screens of about 10 items each when I scroll through the list – clearly not all that’s really there…

On the iPhone.
On DEVONthink To Go’s databases screen, select ? > Contact Us to start a support ticket. Include the screen capture from the root of the database.