DTTG will not sync with DT3

I have a database called Evernote saved on my Mac running Sonoma 14.5.

In DT3, I went to DEVONthink3 > Settings > Sync, created an iCloud (CloudKit) location and picked “Evernote” as the LOCAL database.

In DTTG on my iphone, I went to Settings > Locations and picked “iCloud (CloudKit).”

Despite DT3 stating that it has synchronized, nothing is downloading to DTTG on my iphone.

Do I need to move my database from local storage to iCloud? Do my Mac and iPhone need to be on the same wifi network for synchronization or is being connected to the internet enough?

In DTTG Settings did you also select the database you wanted sync’d

Do I need to move my database from local storage to iCloud?

No and you never should put your DEVONthink databases in any cloud-synced location.

In DTTG on my iphone, I went to Settings > Locations and picked “iCloud (CloudKit).”

Neither DEVONthink nor DEVONthink To Go is going to magically start syncing databases on its own. That is a decision you must make, not the software. You need to tap the sync location and enable databases to sync.

All of this is documented in several places including the built-in Help and manual.

I appreciate the feedback from DTLow and BLUEFROG.

After I posted this, but before I read their comments, I changed my sync location to iCloud (Legacy) - with no success. I then changed it back to iCloud (CloudKit) and I noticed that, this time, my iphone displayed the spinning icon, so I let it sit for a while, after which I noted that it had started to download folders and notes.

I’m not quite sure what I did differently, but I apologize for posting on the forum before trying a little harder to solve the problem on my own.