Duplicate False Positives or Bad Previews in DT Personal 2b4

I have a large database of close to 10k images. After noticing that the previews on some were not taking up the full icon size, I decided to update previews by:

  1. Create a smart folder that looks for images
  2. Select all contents of this smart folder
  3. Data > Thumbnails > Update
  4. Wait until done.

Then what I notice is that my duplicates smart folder (the one created by default when I installed DT Personal) shows about 400+ items it claims are duplicates but are not. I have confirmed this on a much smaller batch of items where the Duplicates smart folder shows only one copy each of these “duplicate” items.

The solution to that I’ve found is to rebuild the database using the Tools menu. However, it seems that once the rebuild process is complete, I sometimes have tiny preview icons (close to 64x64 or smaller) for fairly large images even though the icon slider is maxed out.

Repeating the process doesn’t do anything different than the two states. So it seems that I can either have a database with false positive duplicates XOR previews that are useable on all images.

DEVONthink uses already existing previews (if available) while importing images as this speeds up the process a lot. To create thumbnails up to 256x256, use Data > Thumbnails > Create/Update.

But the detection of duplicates is no exact file comparison - images having the same internal characteristic are considered to be duplicates even if there might be tiny differences.

Please send some examples to cgrunenberg - at - devon-technologies.com and I’ll check this over here. Thank you!