Editing Bar Keyboard Shortcuts

I frequently use the Editing Bar when reviewing a PDF.

After I use the Rectangle selector to mark an area of interest, is there a keyboard shortcut to turn off the rectangle selector quickly?

Right now if I do not turn it off, then it is very easily to accidentally create multiple annotations by clicking inside the PDF. So I choose the Text selector, find the next area of interest, and go back to the Rectangle selector.

If this is done frequently as part of a workflow to review a very long document, it can get cumbersome

Is there a keyboard shortcut to quickly turn the rectangle selector on and off?

No, but you can add them yourself in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts.

Excellent - that works extremely well and will be useful it lots of other situations too- thank you.

One more question about the editing process.

There is no page number displayed when I browse through a document. That makes it difficult to correlate an annotation I see on a page with the list of annotations in the Annotation inspector if I want to make an edit to the annotation.

Would it be possible to:

(1) Add the page number to the editing bar; or

(2) When clicking an annotation in a document (with Annotation Mode off), highlight the corresponding annotation in the Annotation Inspector

P.S. I have tried every annotation/PDF notetaking program there is on the Mac. Aside from all the other features of DT3, the ease of doing annotations in bulk on a PDF is better here than any other app I have seen.

You’re welcome.

(1) Add the page number to the editing bar; or

You can see the page number in the Navigation Bar above the view/edit pan and also in the Content > Thumbnails inspector.

(2) When clicking an annotation in a document (with Annotation Mode off), highlight the corresponding annotation in the Annotation Inspector

Development would have to assess these requests.

Thanks - somehow I missed that on the first round

Really if Annotation Mode (probably Tools > Mode > Annotation Selection) is off? Sounds more logical to me if this mode is enabled.

It already does this when annotation mode is On, i.e. when the annotation is first created.

I am suggesting that it also highlight the annotation when annotation mode is off and I may wish to edit the annotation rather than create a new one.

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This would be a nice feature. Sometimes I take a while to locate the annotation belonging to the highlighted section I have right in front of me. (On this same topic, would it be possible to change the font and font size of the annotation? I find the font rather small).

Also, would it be possible to edit the table of contents of the pdf? This is something I can do on PDF Expert, but it would be a nice addition to DT3.

My apologies if I highjacked the thread somewhat. :smile:
I am addicted to DT3. Such a great piece of software.

What kind of annotation?

DEVONthink will never be able to support all the features available in external editors but if there’s a common need for this, then we might consider this for future releases.

This one: