Editing synced web archive captured in DTTG changes url to root domain

Let say I save some page as a web archive (in the example below I’ve done this from the reader view in Safari using DevonThink service “Capture Web Archive”):

DevonThink saved the correct URL, as marked in the image above.

If I now edit anything in the captured web archive, and save the file, the URL in the “URL field” remains correct (in the example below I highlighted the text of the title using DT editing tools):

Now let’s say I capture the same page, but this time on my iPhone using the option “Web Archive (clutter-free)”, and then sync to desktop. Again, the source URL is captured correctly:

But after I edit the title of the document, highlighting it, and then save, URL changes to the root domain:

This issue happens consistently with Web Archives captured on iPhone or iPad and then edited on Mac, and no matter what sync method I use (iCloud, Bonjour or, as I’m now using, WebDAV on NAS, through local network). I actually observed it for a few years, since I started using DT, and since no fix has come, I decided maybe it makes sense to describe the issue here.

The issue is not catastrophic, since DTTG also saves URL of captured content as a link at the beginning of the captured archive, but still, it is irritating and introduces inconsistency in how references to sources are stored in my DB. I also don’t see any purpose in such behavior, so I assume this is a bug.

Related discussion:

I’ve seen it. But it doesn’t make sense to me to treat this behavior as “expected” if it only happens in the case of Web Archives captured in DTTG.

I share your position, albeit with a different rationale. IMHO the user should always have final authority on the contents of any editable property. Since the URL metadata field is editable, it makes no sense that its value be changed through an internal process which the user cannot prevent.

We will investigate this, might be an issue of the web archive captured with DEVONthink To Go and/or of editing with DEVONthink 3.

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DEVONthink To Go 3.8.8 will fix this.

Great! Thanks!