Let say I save some page as a web archive (in the example below I’ve done this from the reader view in Safari using DevonThink service “Capture Web Archive”):
DevonThink saved the correct URL, as marked in the image above.
If I now edit anything in the captured web archive, and save the file, the URL in the “URL field” remains correct (in the example below I highlighted the text of the title using DT editing tools):
Now let’s say I capture the same page, but this time on my iPhone using the option “Web Archive (clutter-free)”, and then sync to desktop. Again, the source URL is captured correctly:
But after I edit the title of the document, highlighting it, and then save, URL changes to the root domain:
This issue happens consistently with Web Archives captured on iPhone or iPad and then edited on Mac, and no matter what sync method I use (iCloud, Bonjour or, as I’m now using, WebDAV on NAS, through local network). I actually observed it for a few years, since I started using DT, and since no fix has come, I decided maybe it makes sense to describe the issue here.
The issue is not catastrophic, since DTTG also saves URL of captured content as a link at the beginning of the captured archive, but still, it is irritating and introduces inconsistency in how references to sources are stored in my DB. I also don’t see any purpose in such behavior, so I assume this is a bug.