English-preferred search yielding less English results compared to simple Google search?

Hi everyone! I’ve had DEVONagent for some time, but have ever really tapped into its power. I was testing some things earlier, and noticed that when I searched “energia emotion” in DEVONagent as a web (deep) search with English marked as the Language, the first half of the results were not English. In fact, the results were less than ideal content-wise, given what I’m looking for. So, I try the same two words in Google on my browser, and get far better results, all in English. I recognize that this is likely due to my not knowing how to properly use the application, so I’m hoping someone might be able to clear this up for me! Many thanks!

Could you please post the URL of any of these results? In case of pages containing multiple languages the result might be nonetheless accepted.

Thanks for the response. I did a little more digging and did notice that some of the Spanish and Portuguese hits contained some English buried within them. This must be the problem!