Error Message: Couldn't publish Bonjour server

Can anyone provide insight to why I am getting the following error message on the iOS app: Couldn’t publish Bonjour server.

I would greatly appreciate any info about how to stop this.

That’s actually the Bonjour code for an unknown error. Did you try to enable the Bonjour server on multiple devices? Only one central server (usually a Mac) is recommended.

Thanks for the reply. I do have Bonjour server enabled on multiple devices. This is the first time I’m getting the error message, and I have had Bonjour set up this way for 11 months.

Is there anything I did to do when disabling Bonjour on iOS?

Thanks again for your help.

Bonjour should be enabled (listening for connections) on only one device. Think of that device as the “server” and every other device a “client”.

I haven’t the foggiest why having multiple devices turned on works for you. Kinda does not matter as it’s not the correct way to do it. More info in the “DEVONthink Manual”.

By unchecking the “Bonjour” option to “off” in iOS DEVONthink ToGo you are not “disabling” it. You are just not declaring the iOS device as the unique Bonjour server in your local network.

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I haven’t the foggiest why having multiple devices turned on works for you.

It technically can work as each device is just registering itself on the network. However, it is the incorrect approach if you’ve set up two servers to sync the same set of databases. As you mentioned, there should be only one server in this situation.

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Fog cleared. (I try not to clog my head with stuff that doesn’t matter since it’s not to be done :wink:)


Thank you for your help. I turned off Bonjour on my iOS app.