Error synching DTTG

I am experiencing this error both on my ipad and on my iphone trying to sync DTTG.

I didn’t anything special, and on my macos DT I haven’t the same issue.

iCloud/CloudKit are unfortunately frequently unreliable, is a verification of the sync store successful?

How can i perform that ?

See contextual menu in Preferences > Sync on the Mac.

Done, got this output.

See the Troubleshooting > Sync section of DEVONthink’s built-in Help and manual regarding cleaning the sync location. After the clean, you’ll need to resync your databases.

PS: Do you actually need to use a remote sync option, like CloudKit?

I don’t remember the reason I choose to use Cloudkit, I remember I’ve read the forum before choosing. What are the differences ?


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Apple’s cloud services are buggy and unreliable. You might be better off with Bonjour, for example. The forum is full work posts on that issue.

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After a clean and a re-sync, what is the best way to resync DTTG overwriting the ios db versions ?

There shouldn’t be any interruption here as the sync data should merge.
However, if you want to be certain, you can delete the databases in DEVONthink To Go and reimport them afresh from the sync location.

How can I delete the inbox database in DTTG ?

That’s not possible unless you delete and reinstall DEVONthink To Go.

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