I have 4 databases and 4 corresponding sync stores on a WebDAV server. All sync stores are linked to DTTG with on-demand downloading (i.e. not fully downloaded).
For some reason, the following happened recently with 2 of the the 4 databases:
Open a group in DTTG
Tap an undownloaded item
Tap “Download”
Wheel spins as if downloading
Back to same icon, file not downloaded, no error message
I tried this with the 2 databases, on 4G and WiFi, several times. No errors are reported by the WebDAV server. The 2 other databases (same macOS, same iOS, same WebDAV) are working as expected.
I tried clean and verify on both DT and the sync stores, didn’t help.
On a WebDAV server from a third party service, or networked back into your local network? What type of server or third-party service name?
Could the issue be related to network connection?
Is macOS DEVONthink also involved with syncing? Any log messages there or on DEVONthink ToGo? if macOS DEVONthink involved, did you try Verify & Repair there? See the DEVONthink Manual for the Trouble Shooting ideas.
Any particular reasons you have so many sync stores, one per database?
“Clean” will delete the sync store. Did you give your system time to re-build the sync store?
WebDAV server is mine, on a custom Debian machine. Been working fine for years. Issue is recent.
Yes, I have DT on macOS (all 4 databases) synced to DTTG via the WebDAV sync store. No log messages to be found in either iOS or macOS. I tried verify and repair several times (got “database successfully verified”).
My mistake in the “sync store” term. I have one sync store, with 4 synced databases on it (plus one, the Inbox).
Also, my mistake on “clean and verify”, actually I tried “verify and repair”, hesitant on using “clean”.