Export as website: template placeholders

In DTPO there is an option to Export as Website, which creates html files for the exported items. A template is chosen at the time of export and the content of the html files is controlled by various placeholders in the chosen template. Is there a comprehensive list of the placeholders that can be used? I can see from examples provided that %modification% can be used to include the modification date, but this doesn’t seem to be documented. By experimentation, I also found that %creation% will include the creation date, but it would be very useful to know what other placeholders can be used.

These are are discussed in the DEVONthink manual, available for download from DEVONtechnologies.com – somewhere around page 140 I think – also in the help file, I believe.

Thanks Korm,I did check and found nothing. Page 141 is the relevant one that documents Web Site Export Templates. It describes only four placeholders so there are clearly more that are undocumented, as I have found that both %modification% and %creation% work. Perhaps the developers could say what other undocumented placeholders there are?

Here are some possibilities:

% strings /Applications/DEVONthink\ Pro.app/Contents/PlugIns/ExportSite.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ExportSite | grep '^%.*%$'

% strings /Applications/DEVONthink\ Pro.app/Contents/PlugIns/WebServer.bundle/Contents/MacOS/WebServer | grep '^%.*%$'

Fantastic - many thanks sjk. I’ll add those to my help file. Some useful placeholders in there.