Exporting a file list of group items


I’ld like to generate a CSV or XLS list of selected items in a group. The list should contain (a) a row for each item (b) the following columns:

  • create date
  • author
  • title
  • subject
  • filename

Is there a script or another tool to settle this challenge?

Kind regards, Friedrich

Does the script Export > Metadata as CSV do what you want? If not installed already, you can install this from the Support Assistant. There are several variations already posted in this forum if you’re interested in customizing it.

Thank you! Generally the script does what I want. But in detail:

  • German umlauts - ä, ö, ü - and the German sharp s - ß - are substituted by cryptic combination of signs.
  • The values in the date field are strings, which can not be transformed into date/time values.

Might be a Unicode issue – something for Christian to look into.

Here’s another user’s variation that might be useful here:

“transformed” how? Is there a particular format that you’re looking for?

As @sander did in the post mentioned above, there is script that Christian posted (somewhere, don’t have time to find it) called “customizable metadata export” that might be more in line with what you need.

I’ld like in Excel to define the fields in the colum as short date in order to transform the string »Samstag, 3. Dezember 2016 um 13:11:25« into »03.12.2016«.

Kind regards, Friedrich

I updated my last post with a reference that might be helpful.

Is Excel not able to transform the date string for you?

Just checked this and e.g. TextEdit, Finder and DEVONthink display/import the exported file as expected. Do you use Microsoft Excel? Maybe you have to change the used encoding.