Is anyone else experiencing extremely slow share sheet performance on iOS? I’m on an iPhone 15 Pro Max and sharing anything like a webpage to a bookmark file to an image from the photos app to DTTG takes upwards of 15-20 seconds after I tap “Done” to actually save to the app. It appears to be frozen, hanging there (no loading wheel animation, etc.) but does eventually finish if I let it sit there and don’t cancel the operation.
Is this expected behavior? I remember it being much faster in the past. I usually use drag and drop so I can put things in the correct folder if I already have it open in DTTG, but it’d be nice to use the share sheet as well to pop things in my inbox too.
So with Share sheet you mean sharing from other apps to DEVONthink To Go, not from DEVONthink To Go to other apps, correct?
The extension directly saves to Core Data and access to the database stack from two apps (the app and the extension) is controlled and serialized by iOS. So if the database is busy from the app, e.g., because a sync is ongoing, it can slow down the extension.
It happens to me with other applications, e.g. the integrated voice recorder, which takes forever to open the share sheet and then send the audio file to destination. However, sending to DTTG always went fast and reliable (mostly from Safari).
JIm, it is not me, and when it happens, it is not with DTTG. A restart should solve the problem, and if not, I know the issue is at Apple side. When I was friend of Steve Jobs I could tell him, but now Tim Cook is only thinking in making films, and the DOA helmet.
Yes, that’s correct – I’m seeing this behavior when I save from any other app via the share sheet to DTTG.
It seems to happen every time I share something from the share sheet, so I’m reluctant to think it’s because the app is busy with a sync or other operation.
This happens to me at a regular basis. In another app I tap “Share”, which shows me a list of sharing options (Airdrop, Messages, etc. Among them is “DEVONthink”). I tap the DEVONthink icon, the screen zooms out a bit, and nothing happens for a while, cannot cancel either. This takes easily half a minute, after which the “Clip to DEVONthink” screen appears. My databases are 90 GB in total size (270K items). Could it be a sync blocks clipping?
Unfortunately no, it’s the way how Core Data, iOS’ database engine, handles concurrency. And we haven’t seen a pattern that we could avoid. Technically, the Clip to DEVONthink extension tries to open a database connection and iOS keeps it on hold. Sometimes simply opening DEVONthink To Go helps already. A sync is not the problem as syncing and other tasks can easily happen simultaneously — inside one app. Here two apps (the main app and the extension) have to coordinate access.
An earlier version of the Clip to DEVONthink extension did not use a database connection, which had other drawbacks (all data had to be passed between them by using files).
We will revisit the extension and its mechanism when we have finished working on a few other things.