Feature request: Export highlighted text

I often use DTTG to read and annotate PDFs. One feature I miss is the possibility to export highlighted text into an extra file (like in kindle, iBooks,PDF export).
Any chance?

it’s possible with DT3beta, but would be great to see this also in a future release of DTTG…

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I do this as well, but the only useful workflow I have found is to open it in an external app like PDFExpert that does this easily.

Has this been sorted in DTTG yet? I’ve searched the forum and the manual and found no answer

I want to keep to an iPad workflow and I don’t want to wander off to my Mac for DT3
I have a workflow that will take highlighted text from an ePub in Marvin and eventually make an entry in Craft for that book, containing highlighted text passages from that book. I would like to replicate this process for pdf books that I have chosen to read in DTTG (non-fiction eg with maps - that benefits from the easy ability to enlarge the map for a blown up view). A major consideration is to keep the number of steps and Apps to a minimum

I can highlight text but not export that selected text out of DTTG. I can send the complete pdf to PDF Expert where I can view the highlighted paragraphs in a file - but that program truncates the extract, cutting off the final words! It does not do that for paragraphs highlighted within PDF Expert.
I don’t want to make a detailed study of such a book - for that I would use LiquidText or MarginNote 4 - I just want to note down interesting ideas from a book

No, this is not currently possible.

Thanks Jim

I shall cling on to your word ‘currently’ and in the meantime send the pdf to GoodReader, open as an external file and send it on from there for further work

Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

You’re welcome!
The future holds many possibilities and we’re hard at work in here.

A safe and Merry Christmas season to you and yours as well :heart: :slight_smile:

i would like a feature that allows highlights to be exported from DTTG as well. :slight_smile: