Feature Request: Searchresults in DT3 sorted by Date (newest above)

Hej All,
In DT3, I would like to be able to set the search mask so that the search hits are sorted from top to bottom according to the most recent date. Until now, I have had to set this for each new search. That is really annoying. Please improve this behavior as soon as possible.
Thanks a lot in advance.

The hidden preference PersistentSortingOfSearchResults might help, see appendix of help.

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Hej Christian, thank you… i will try this…

In the Terminal i wrote this: “defaults write com.devon-technologies.think3 PersistentSortingOfSearchResults on”

I didn´t got an error message after return. But if i restart DT3 the default behavior comes back. So it is not sorted by creation date, but by relevance…
So it seems, that the terminal command did´nt work as i wanted?

or do you see a mistake by me?

You don’t need to use Terminal for this.
Control-click the On link for the preference and copy the link. Paste it into the address bar of Safari, okaying opening DEVONthink.

Hej Jeff, i tried it in this case: defaults write com.devon-technologies.think3 PersistentSortingOfSearchResults -bool TRUE and that works fine…

Thanks for your support.

This doesn’t change the sorting, only that the search remembers the last used sorting.

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i got it now… Works fine for me… Thanks