Feature request: underline all found search terms

When searching a document for a word, in DEVONthink 3, is there a way to highlight or underline all findings for that term, at one time, with one single action?

If not, can this be added to your “to-do” list, please? I suspect this is something that doctors, lawyers, accountants, and researchers should find incredibly useful.

No, this is not possible to do.
Even if you select multiple search hits in the Search inspector, you cannot apply an annotation to all at once. Development would have to assess this behavior and it’s the only one I can recall.

I suspect this is something that doctors, lawyers, accountants, and researchers should find incredibly useful.

Why do you suspect this?

The fastest option right now is to use the shortcuts (Cmd-G to jump to the next ocurrence, Cmd-U or Cmd-Shift-L for underlining/highlighting).

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