Feedback: "Show only documents" view

Feedback: whilst this is a useful function - and thanks for listening to those of us who previously worked with the 3-pane view and are having to adjust to DT3 - I still feel DT3 is missing a vital functionality which the Mac Finder calls “keep Folders on top”; I usually sort my List View (middle pane) by date of creation, meaning that currently my groups are all over the place; when working with documents, I can at least now temporarily hide the groups - but really what I want is the groups to always stay on top (sorted by name) whilst the documents are sorted below according to my choice (by name, date of creation etc.). I’m actually having a hard time with this and would like to ask whether you might not reconsider the importance assigned to the request - it’s hard to believe nobody else is struggling with this.

Thanks for all your hard work!


This is currently only supported by sorting by name, see Preferences > General > Interface. But we’ll consider this for upcoming releases.

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