First-time poster here. I did the following: imported several folders containing jpgs (archival sources) into DT3. I then selected the jpgs belonging to one group and ran the “merge & delete images” command. Afterwards, I OCR’d the PDF. During or after this process, some of the PDFs completely disappeared. There’s no script running, nothing. Any idea what might have happened?
And, on a different note, suggestions on how I could automate this process? As I have dozens of folders, manually select the images, and then do the above-mentioned commands is quite time-consuming.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Welcome @nicolas
ran the “merge & delete images” command
Where are you seeing this command?
Afterwards, I OCR’d the PDF. During or after this process, some of the PDFs completely disappeared.
Are you accessing the documents in a smart group?
And, on a different note, suggestions on how I could automate this process? As I have dozens of folders, manually select the images, and then do the above-mentioned commands is quite time-consuming.
You should not automate a process you can’t successfully do manually first.
See Tools menu after selecting some images and holding the Option key.
I have never noticed that change (and I don’t recall the last time I tried to merge images). Funny how your mind blinds you sometimes.
Adjusting the documentation for this use case.
When I import the folders from finder, they automatically become groups but not smart groups. In the screenshot, for all the groups with “V01” in their name I have already executed the command “merge&delete images” and OCR. In V01/4417, the file during or after OCR disappeared. For all the other groups, it was successful.
Merge & Delete exists since version 3.0 and is not limited to images
I don’t recall seeing the command change to “images”. I know the document merging verbiage.
The name depends also on the selection since version 3.0, e.g. Merge Tags, Merge Images etc.
the “filter duplicates” rule is disabled.
You were right to point to the trash: each time I seek to OCR it, the PDF gets moved to the trash – right after “loading.”
Any idea what could be the problem?