Files from one database only keep uploading and downloading, even after verifying, repairing, rebuilding

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 9.36.50 am
Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 9.40.34 am

I have 4 databases that I keep open at any point in time. One of them seems to be constantly either uploading or downloading contents via iCloudKit sync method.

I’ve repaired and rebuilt the database but the issue persists. Hundreds of items either way. I even recognise some of the file names as having gone up or down previously despite no changes to them.

Any clues on what might be going on here?

Have you trid cleaning your sync store location?

Have you read this…

Hold the Option key and choose Help > Report bug to start a support ticket.

This sounds like one of the symptoms I had when I locked a document outside of Devonthink.

I think the situation was I had a spreadsheet I wanted to be sure wouldn’t be modified, so I used the lock function in Numbers. I opened it from DT, but locked it in the app, outside of DT.

Could that be a factor?

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Thanks — I’ll have a closer look at that.

I tried it but the issue persists.

Does the database have any indexed items that are on an iCloud Drive? If iCloud has optimise storage turned on, it might remove them from disk (if they are not kept permanently on disk), DT will redownload them and this might kick off a sync as the items have changed.


So I’ve moved my iPhone, Mac and MacBook all to Bonjour sync on my home network.

I do have a work computer at a different location that is “orphaned” so to speak right now but will set up a remote sync from my home Mac for the work Mac and see how that goes.

Have you seriously considered a local sync store on an external drive, even a solid thumb drive?