Find documents with multiple tags

Hi, I’m using 3 beta 7. In Version 2, it was possible to mark multiple tags in right column, so you can find very fast true documents with that criteria. In Version 3, I can’t find this option. What’s about it? But exactly this is the sense of tagging. An advice?

it was possible to mark multiple tags in right column, so you can find very fast true documents with that criteria.

It’s unclear what you’re referring to here. Can you clarify and include any screen captures that may be helpful? Thanks.

An advice?


:stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

In the Tags view? You could use the Tags filter (see Tools > Filters) instead.

OK, thanks, I used the Tags filter. In the example, I set Filter to “Forschung” and got in the right window the Group with one Document. But, if there are many documents found on a match, I get a List of many groups. If I want to get a sight to the matched documents, I have to open each group manually. This is not, what I want. If I mark one ore more Tags, I want directly get a List with all documents, corresponding to this match.

Just sharing user experience:
(1) EDITED: My original comment is incorrect, it seems that you are using group tags and I have mistaken them as tags.
(2) If your main group has many documents within the sub-groups. Before using the tags filter, create a smart group, using the main group as the scope, and by this predicate, you will get all documents in all levels of groups

OK, this works.
Best thanks and greets!

The default “History” smart group in the sidebar could be also used, it uses the same condition (but is sorted by date modified by default).