Finding grey (non-scientific) literature - Collection of devonAgent plugins and suggestions?


I want to use devonAgent for searching documents like government reports, commpany reports, policy documents etc, i.e. everything one classifies as “grey literature” in academia sometimes.

Therefore I am looking for a lsit of available plugins so that I can add the relevant ones to the plugins and scanners used.

is there a resource available of community created and (if available) additional official plplugins which I could use?

Has somebody used devonAgent for a similar task and could provide some ideas and experiences?


There’s no such collection apart from the plugins available via the support assistant. In the end each plugin is different but maybe it’s sufficient to add the desired sites to a new search set using Search instead of Crawl mode (see Sites tab of Search Sets window).

best is to set up several sets for each purpose and include the web address in questions to each. Unfortunately, there is not a pre-set available.
