Folder/group structure

Are there any plans to create keyboard shortcuts for moving groups within the folder hierarchy?

I find myself wishing for a shortcut similar to OmniOutliner every time I move a folder. The mouse is so very cumbersome in this regard and I am sure everyone has dropped a group in the wrong group at one time or another.

BTW OmniOutliner uses control-command plus an arrow key to do this.

Some sort of shortcut seems to be modus operandi for any outline I have worked with. Is there some reason DT does not work this way?

Not at the moment as DEVONthink is not outliner and already running out of available shortcuts :wink:

I re-suggest(*) reclaiming Shift-Command-Y and Shift-Command-K, current shortcuts for Verify & Repair and Backup & Optimize, to reuse with likely-to-be-more-frequently-used interactive commands. Why those commands have default shortcuts while File > Close Database doesn’t seems unusual to me.

(*) Previously here and here.

It’s true Devonthink isn’t an outliner… but we have to work with files in a hierarchy! And to that end the tools provided by an outliner are the best. For me it’s intuitive. Command + up arrow should move up a file. Command + down arrow should move down. It’s simple and could improve a lot the usability of Devonthink.

but we have to work with files in a hierarchy

This is not true of everyone. DEVONthink accommodates non-hierarchical approaches to data organization as well.

For me it’s intuitive. Command + up arrow should move up a file. Command + down arrow should move down.

It’s unclear what you mean by “move up” and “move down” here.

PS: Do you realize you’re responding to a decade-old thread here?

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Yes, I know it’s and old thread. But it’s better replay here than to open a new one, no?

By “move up” I mean the file is moved up in the list of files. Something I do everyday in Tinderbox.

I was thinking if it would be possible to create a macro in KM for it, but couldn’t find a solution.

No harm in using the thread. Some people don’t notice the dates.

By “move up” I mean the file is moved up in the list of files. Something I do everyday in Tinderbox.

If you’re talking about actually reorganizing the files, e.g., moving File B before File A in the item list, no this is not possible.