M y a s s u m p t i o n
``` (without spaces) is being shown as "I disagree". It seems not to be translated in code tags. It seems to be stored correctly in the database, since when I edit a post, I get the original words back.
Here is a test:
My assumption is that the rendering is wrong.
Oops, I was wrong, it is being translated in code tags.
Huh? They both look the same to me!
^^ This!
Corrected my post… It was being translated in code tags! Argh!
Let me try another way…
If you type “my” “assumption” without the quotes, you get “my assumption”
I suppose the only way to test it is to try it! I presume you me when you type M y a s s u m p t i o n it should on posting come out as “I disagree”? Well here goes and lets see!
Okay, that looked all right but I did copy paste it, so here is me typing it: Myassumption.
Coming out okay I think!
Well, at least “I disagree” is closer to making sense than the usual bad-words-filter substitute on this forum: ‘thingy’
Allsop, you do need a space between my and assumption. It’s hard to represent it when it gets translated.
My assumption
Well there you go, how weird
This is very, very, very weird indeed:
“my” “assumption” typed without quotes will be “my assumption”!!! (Even the preview shows it!)
Any one an idea, why? Must be something from the underlying forum software: A language bug? A joke? A hidden message? I’m curious!
My assumption is that this is a bug.
Well I’ll be… would you look at that! How strange, and humorous.
It seems as if the default list of replacements for avoidable wordings is not always what you’d expect
Now “my assumption” should work as expected.
BTW: The word censoring rule was my ass → I disagree
Aha, that explains it. Thanks for the info.