From EasyFind to DEVONthink

Just to say, I’ve used EasyFind since pretty much day one of owning a Mac, about 12 years ago. As a result, DEVONthink was on my radar for a very long time.

I’m a researcher/non-fiction writer, but only ever used folder structures and a dash of Excel to keep my projects organised. It was never quite good enough. I’m now working on my next big project, so I finally took the plunge and bought DT3 Pro (and am loving it!)

So I guess the point of this post is that the freeware apps do work as a pathway to attracting new users to DT3. Looking forward to getting more done (or at least getting it done more painlessly) with DEVONthink!

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Welcome @taras
Thanks for the kind words! We are glad to have you here :heart::smiling_face:

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And when you thought you were comfortable with DEVONthink, you will continue discovering new and new features and options to still improve your workflow. It is what happens to me.