Genealogy Database

I am creating a new database for Genealogy Research. Can anyone share how they have set up their DT3. Interested in your classification system. Thank you

I use DEVONthink to store the documents found in research. Only a few groups by major family trees. I do not try to do the ancestry links between documents or extensive metadata and tags. Way too complicated for my taste. I use a genealogy application specifically designed for providing full functionality for genealogy. I have about 240 people in that app, and probably more than a thousand files in the related DEVONthink database.

imho Devonthink is the wrong tool for a Genealogy Database
Instead, I use a dedicated genealogy app; MacFamilyTree (Mac, IOS)
and web MacFamilyTree/DTLow

I do use Devonthink to hold my in research material
and project/task management
Classification (tags) is minimal; just Project:Genealogy, Status and Person-Names


I also use the techniques mentioned above by @rmschne and @DTLow. Docs in DEVONthink, data in MFT. In many cases, documents specific to a person in my MFT database have branched off into historical research not directly related to the person, but useful in understanding that person’s milieu.

As for “classification system”, my genealogy data in DEVONthink is simply organized in groups by family hierarchy. I don’t go crazy with hierarchy. I do not make DEVONthink reflect the detailed hierarchies and relationships in MFT because DEVONthink is not the source of record for relationships.

I usually use the “Notes” or “Stories” section of a person-entry in MFT to insert DEVONthink item links back to documents in my DEVONthink database. Sometimes I use the the “Web Site URL” item in MFT media. Some essential documents I keep in both MFT and in the DEVONthink database: census record copies, birth certificates, and naturalization certificates. I do this because these records frequently related to other documents in my database that are not specific to the genealogical records in MFT.

I also keep GEDCOM exports and MFT report exports in my DEVONthink database.

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I also use MacFamilyTree as my family tree software and DEVONthink (DT) exclusively for all other things Genealogy. The primary focus in DT is research on individuals and families under the heading Surnames. I’ve attached (at least I think I have) a screenshot of my folder structure that you’ll note is also organized under the PARA umbrella. That’s because all of my paper and digital filing is now organized similarly which has made for a very positive result in simplifying everything.

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Thanks to all who replied. Very helpful. Thanks to you I have been introduced to MacFamily Tree.

I store all my research, media and notes in DT. It’s organized by Paternal and Maternal lines, then by surname, followed by persons. Each person has subcategories. Each media item has a citation in the annotation field.

I have separate folders for Places, Research guides, etc.

I use MacFamilyTree with it. I love how easy it is to drag and drop media between the two.


Wow - beautifully organized and thorough! (You’d make my father jealous :wink: )

I am curious how you’re populating the annotation file there.

I’m probably not understanding what you mean, but I write my citations in MacFamilyTree, then copy and paste them to the media annotation field. I always have both programs opened, as everything goes first into DT, then is added to MFT, except the citation as I do it last.

You answered just fine :wink:

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