Globally going back/forward via mouse

I’m currently clean installing a new mac. On my old MacBook I made a hell of a mess as I used several apps for shortcuts and automating things but never really looked into whether they are really all necessary. I don’t want to do that on the new mac, so I’m taking time to check what I need. But I already knew that some apps I used aren’t available on the new macOS.

One thing I missed the most on the new mac was the ability to go back/forwards in DEVONthink (and other apps) via Evoluent mouse buttons. Unfortunately is out of business, so I searched for a replacement. Short before purchasing “USB” I checked BetterTouchTool which I already had installed for other things - and it turned out that it happily recognizes all special mouse buttons:

And instead of setting up shortcuts for every single app that got some back/forward menu it’s possible to assign them globally via System Preferences’ “All apps”:

or via CustomShortcuts’ “All apps”:

So, if you assign shortcuts to these menus globally (and don’t forget that some apps use english menus, which I need to add too) and use BetterTouchTool (or another app), then no matter in which app you are, the mouse buttons will always go back/forward :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing another nice tip!

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