Groups Listing

How can I get DTPO to export or print a list of all the groups/folders in a database? (I specifically don’t want a listing that includes files, so the Export-Listing Applescript supplied with DTPO wouldn’t be useful to me.)

I’m sure that there’s a very simple answer to this question, but I don’t know what it is. (Nor do I know enough about Applescript to create such a listing.)

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

Hugh, if you open three-pane view, select View > Expand All, and then select everything in the group panel of that view, you can print that listing or print-to-pdf. The results will not win any beauty contest, but it is workable.

If you find that expanding everything results in more than you want to know (for example, if you have a lot of tags you’ll see each tag group in the expanded list on a separate line) then you can collapse some groups before printing.

After getting your list produced, I find it is faster to get back into my working mode by doing View > Collapse All and adjust the open/shut state of groups, than it is to work backward from the fully-expanded state.

That’s what I need. Many thanks, Korm.

My right hand just reminded me that my left hand made this script a while back to make a listing of just the groups in a database. It is a modified version of Criss’ script that ships with DEVONthink.

-- Create Listing.
-- Created by Christian Grunenberg on Sun Jul 24 2005.
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2009. All rights reserved.
-- Modified 20130602 to capture only groups

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		if not (exists current database) then error "No database is open."
		set theDatabase to the current database
		set theFile to choose file name default name ((name of theDatabase) as string) & ".txt"
		show progress indicator "Creating Listing..."
		set theListing to my createListing(children of root of theDatabase, "")
		set thePath to POSIX path of theFile
		if thePath does not end with ".txt" then set thePath to thePath & ".txt"
		set writeFile to open for access (thePath as POSIX file) with write permission
		set eof writeFile to 0
		considering numeric strings
			if AppleScript's version as string < "2.0" then
				write (ASCII character 254) to writeFile
				write (ASCII character 255) to writeFile
				write (theListing as Unicode text) to writeFile
				-- Bug of Leopard, encoding is undefined
				write theListing to writeFile as Unicode text
			end if
		end considering
		close access writeFile
		hide progress indicator
	on error error_message number error_number
		hide progress indicator
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink Pro" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on createListing(theseRecords, theTabs)
	local this_record, this_type, this_listing, this_name
	tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		set this_listing to ""
		repeat with this_record in theseRecords
			set this_name to (name of this_record as string)
			set this_type to type of this_record
			-- set this_listing to this_listing & theTabs & this_name & return
			if this_type is group then
				set this_listing to this_listing & theTabs & this_name & return
				step progress indicator this_name
				set this_listing to this_listing & my createListing(children of this_record, theTabs & (ASCII character 9))
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return this_listing
end createListing

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Just playing around with this idea. This script does the same thing as Korm’s script, but creates a rich text file in your inbox instead of an external file. If you then select and copy the contents of the file, you can paste it into Curio as either a list or as a mind map. Useful?? I don’t know, but it makes a very nice mind map and it was fun!

-- Create Listing.
-- Created by Christian Grunenberg on Sun Jul 24 2005.
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2009. All rights reserved.
-- Modified 20130602 to capture only groups
--Modified 11_01_2013 to capture only groups to a rich text file

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		if not (exists current database) then error "No database is open."
		set theDatabase to the current database
		show progress indicator "Creating Listing..."
		set theListing to my createListing(children of root of theDatabase, "")
		set myGroup to incoming group of theDatabase
		set myRecord to create record with {name:"Group List", rich text:theListing, type:rtf} in myGroup
		hide progress indicator
	on error error_message number error_number
		hide progress indicator
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink Pro" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on createListing(theseRecords, theTabs)
	local this_record, this_type, this_listing, this_name
	tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		set this_listing to ""
		repeat with this_record in theseRecords
			set this_name to (name of this_record as string)
			set this_type to type of this_record
			if this_type is group then
				set this_listing to this_listing & theTabs & this_name & return
				step progress indicator this_name
				set this_listing to this_listing & my createListing(children of this_record, theTabs & (ASCII character 9))
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return this_listing
end createListing
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Here is an example of a Curio mind map based on the file that the above script generates:

Data Map.jpg

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That’s a very clever change to the script, @clane47.

Here’s a riff on your script: instead of making a new RTF record with the group listing, this version puts the listing on the clipboard. With that, you can have flexibility to do several things, and save some time. For example, with the clipboard, you do make the RTF in DEVONthink with command-N, which is the command to make a new document from the clipboard. Or, you can go directly to Curio and use Edit > Paste As… and get a Plain Text, List, Mind Map, or Table figure. Or paste the list into Excel or Numbers, and so on.

Mod 3: I’ve adjusted this so that the listing will optionally be all the groups in a database, or the children of the currently-selected group

-- Create Listing.
-- Created by Christian Grunenberg on Sun Jul 24 2005.
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2009. All rights reserved.
-- Modified 20130602 to capture only groups
--Modified by @clane47 11_01_2013 to capture only groups to a rich text file
-- Modified by @korm 20131102 to put the listing on the clipboard for pasting elsewhere
-- Additional modification 20131102 to optionally set base group for the listing to the selected group

tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		if not (exists current database) then error "No database is open."
		set theDatabase to the current database
		show progress indicator "Creating Listing..."
		set listScope to button returned of (display dialog "Scope of Group Listing" buttons {"Whole Database", "Selected Group and Children", "Cancel"} default button 1 cancel button 3 with title "Put a Group Listing on the Clipboard")
		if listScope is "Whole Database" then
			set the clipboard to my createListing(children of root of theDatabase, "")
		else if listScope is "Selected Group and Children" then
			set rootGroup to the current group
			set the clipboard to my createListing(children of rootGroup, "")
		end if
		hide progress indicator
	on error error_message number error_number
		hide progress indicator
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink Pro" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on createListing(theseRecords, theTabs)
	local this_record, this_type, this_listing, this_name
	tell application id "com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2"
		set this_listing to ""
		repeat with this_record in theseRecords
			set this_name to (name of this_record as string)
			set this_type to type of this_record
			if this_type is group then
				set this_listing to this_listing & theTabs & this_name & return
				step progress indicator this_name
				set this_listing to this_listing & my createListing(children of this_record, theTabs & (ASCII character 9))
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return this_listing
end createListing
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Thanks, that’s even better! Wouldn’t it be great if DTPO had choices of displaying an rtf as a collapsible outline, a mind map, or a table?!

I’ve modified my “clipboard” version of the script (above) to give you an option to either put a listing of the groups in the whole database on the clipboard, or to list just the children of the currently selected group.

Very, very impressive! Thanks all.

I need a list of all groups and subgroups in a database to integrate DevonThink with typinator. I changed the bundle ID and ran the script. There were no errors. I stopped after 5 minutes because with Evernote a similar script take a minute.
Should I just be patient or does this script not apply to to DevonThink Pro 3 ?
thank you @korm

Hmm …


Try script menu Export > Listing

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thank you @pete31. I discovered it after this post and am trying it (still running) . The problem is that it seems to be listing everything including documents. All I want are groups and subgroups
thank you

Do you just need the names or also the structure?

just the names
I import them in typinator which I use to speed up DevonThink searches using syntax

This modified script copies the structure for the group you’ve selected in the sidebar or for the whole database.

Remove the tabs afterwards (in e.g. BBEdit) to get a plain names listing.

-- Copy group names (structure)

-- Create Listing.
-- Created by Christian Grunenberg on Sun Jul 24 2005.
-- Copyright (c) 2005-2009. All rights reserved.
-- Modified 20130602 to capture only groups
--Modified by @clane47 11_01_2013 to capture only groups to a rich text file
-- Modified by @korm 20131102 to put the listing on the clipboard for pasting elsewhere
-- Additional modification 20131102 to optionally set base group for the listing to the selected group

tell application id "DNtp"
		if not (exists current database) then error "No database is open."
		set theDatabase to the current database
		show progress indicator "Creating Listing..."
		set listScope to button returned of (display dialog "Scope of Group Listing" buttons {"Whole Database", "Selected Group and SubGroups", "Cancel"} default button 1 cancel button 3 with title "Put a Group Listing on the Clipboard")
		if listScope is "Whole Database" then
			set the clipboard to my createListing(children of root of theDatabase, "")
		else if listScope is "Selected Group and SubGroups" then
			set rootGroup to the current group
			set the clipboard to my createListing(children of rootGroup, "")
		end if
		hide progress indicator
		display notification "Listing in clipboard!" with title "Create Listing"
	on error error_message number error_number
		hide progress indicator
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink Pro" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

on createListing(theseRecords, theTabs)
	local this_record, this_type, this_listing, this_name
	tell application id "DNtp"
		set this_listing to ""
		repeat with this_record in theseRecords
			set this_name to (name of this_record as string)
			set this_type to (type of this_record) as string
			if this_type is "group" or this_type is "«constant DtypDTgr»" then
				set this_listing to this_listing & theTabs & this_name & return
				step progress indicator this_name
				set this_listing to this_listing & my createListing(children of this_record, theTabs & (ASCII character 9))
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
	return this_listing
end createListing


I am running the script which takes time (no problem). Not finished yet which is why I did not reply immediately. I will obviously give you a follow up. I greatly appreciate your help

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please let me know if I understand.

  • results copied to clipboard which is great
  • starts with list of tags which allows me to extract list of tags as separate file which is great
  • after that, groups are preceded by a tab and documents by 2 tabs which I can extract with a regex, also great.
    thank you

I don’t understand what you’re trying to understand here :slight_smile:

If you have

in your clipboard after the script ran, then you obviously did not choose the option which you wrote you want to use …

I wrote

So if you want to get the structure for the selected group you have to choose “Selected Group and Children” in the dialog …

@rufus123 please check if the script you used has this line in the handler

if this_type is "group" or this_type is "«constant DtypDTgr»" then