Groups showing as tags

It may be something I have set without realising it, but in DTTG for one group all the subgroups have a ‘tag’ icon even though they are groups. At one point the groups did have tags assigned (in the info panel in DTPO) but these have long been removed. I have done verify and repair many times and even deleted and re-downloaded the particular database, but the icons still show as tags. Any ideas?

DTPO v3.9.2 MACOS venture 13.5.2
DTTP v3.7.5 IOS 16.6.1

On DEVONthink To Go’s databases screen, long-press the database, and choose Verify & Repair. If there’s an issue, a bezel will report problems have been fixed. You can click the warning icon in the Settings to see what was fixed.
I’d then quit and relaunch DEVONthink To Go and check the tags again.

Solved it. The top most group had a tag assigned that they were inheriting. Once removed, the icons all changed back to group icons.

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I had the issue as well and verify & repair resolved it for me.