Handoff support request and modified file's unload logic

Hi everyone.

I realized that Devonthink has a different sync logic from other cloud services. Eg., when I annotate a PDF book in Devonthink, usually around 100MB, it takes quite a while under my 100Mbps network when I use CloudKit, and combine with network usage, I assume that Devonthink uploads the whole modified PDF as a brand new file, instead of an incremental upload of modified part, which is a common way other cloud services choose, it’s much faster and multiple-platform editing supported.

In addition, I just aware there is already another topic that has been answered about the Handoff function request after I texted the below part that asks about the same thing, which you could use as a supplement of that topic if that is allowed.

I want to request a function interrogate macOS Handoff, which could act the same as PDF Expert, Finder (sort of), or Marginnote 3. When I open a file, I hope it will automatically display an icon that will reveal that file on other devices when I click it.

This would be extremely helpful when I randomly check a, let’s say PDF and wanna make annotations on an iPad, especially recently a considerable amount of PDFs are uneditable on DT Pro.

Is it really? In order to work that way, an app would have to check the whole document page for page for changes. If it finds a modified page, it would have to … well, basically download the version from the cloud store, exchange a single page and upload the document again. Or it would need to be able to relax a single page of a PDF document in a cloud store, which means it would have to run there.

I know about incremental backup, but even that only works on the level of files. Incremental sync of arbitrary documents with arbitrary cloud service? I haven’t seen that yet.

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I don’t understand how that works on PDF either, but I’m sure some of the providers figure out a way to archive that. You can try to annotate a PDF stored in iCloud, and it will sync in just a few secs on other devices, with almost unnoticable network flow used if you monitor the network.

Perhaps they do that by beginning the upload while you are editing the file and placing that in some preparatory area where it can be modified in the cloud as you make your annotations locally?

If your annotations/edits took as much time for you to do as to upload the file, then it would appear to you to be an instantaneous cloud edit when in fact it is not.

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I just tried to explain a better annotation experence when I had to work on differenet platfroms, just propose a might be optimum way for that. I don’t understand how that works, but that do works better for me. Thanks for reply.