Having trouble with services menu in preview for taking notes

I am trying to select some text from a pdf file opened in preview app and then send it to DT using services menu of mac. Though the dialogue box appears asking where to save (without the name field), nothing happens after that. I have tried all the options listed in the services menu including creating plain notes, rich notes, markdown, appending etc. but none of them works. From the apple mail, if i select a text and try the same, it works. It doesn’t work only for preview. I tried with other pdf apps like adobe reader or foxit reader but they do not have a services option at all. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Screenshot 2020-06-09 at 16.05.59

Welcome @dpu

I have confirmed this behavior and it’s specific to Preview. Check System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation and see if there’s a Preview entry under DEVONthink. I’m guessing there won’t be.

Thanks for the quick reply. Your assumption was right. There is no Preview listed under System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation
Is there a way to add it or get it done?

Services shouldn’t require automation but actually all services seem to fail over here in Preview.app. One workaround might be to define a shortcut for Copy Selection in Preferences > Sorter and to use this shortcut instead.

I mentioned it since I used the service in Skim and got an Automation prompt to do it.

This works to a certain extend. Each time I press the shortcut, a new file is created. With this option is it possible to append to an existing document without creating a new note each time?

This isn’t possible but you could merge the notes afterwards (see Tools > Merge and Tools > Merge & Delete).

Thanks. This helps.