I’ve just purchased DA Pro and tried to create my first plugin, with no results.
The website is: , and I want to be able to search terms inside their website (database?).
There is a search option, I’ve checked by searching “foam”, and this was the resulting URL:
Following your manual, I’ve created the plugin and set this URL: agentQuery &start=agentOffset
with no results.
So I’ve found another section of the website where I can search inside their articles (again with the term “fomo”:
Then I set up the plugin with the URL:
Again with no results at all.
What am I doing wrong? (so that I can learn for the future)
The FrontiersIn site requires JavaScript to search and this is not supported.
I would suggest disabling Preferences > Web > Enable JavaScript in DEVONagent and attempting searches in the desired search engines first. If it doesn’t work or reports it needs JavaScript, you know.
I’ve disabled Javscript, but it doesn’t work.
Ok…hiw about crawling the website instead of relying on their esarca engine? How?
Correct. JavaScript doesn’t work. That’s what I said… or hoped to say.
You can try a search set searching the site added to the Sites tab.
Can you please explain step by step?
Do you mean something like the picture, then I add it to a set so that I can get the query whenever I need it?
I’m AFK at the moment.
Look at Window > Search Sets . There is a Sites tab where you can enter URLs to be included in a DEVONagent search.
April 11, 2023, 2:23pm
Good luck. I was never able to get any of the custom search plugins I tried to put together to work.
I did it, with no results (please see in the screenshots).
Furthermore, it seems it have searched on Bing and Google, but it was expected to search only on the Frontiers In website.
Note what I said previously (with emphasis added) .
When you use the Search command for a site, it has to be searched via some engine. In this case it uses the built-in Web plugin. This utilizes Google, Yahoo, and Bing to do the searching.