Help with smart group for empty custom date field?

I’ve been trying to create a smart group to identify items where a custom date field is missing. There does not seem to be a condition for “is missing”. Sorting puts items with missing values for custom date fields at the top if sorted in ascending order. So, I hypothesized that DEVONthink might be treating missing dates as being really old. I tried using “is less than”, “is less than or equal to”, “is not within last”, etc., as conditions, but that did not work.

Is creating such a smart group possible?

Thank you!

That’s not possible currently but planned for future releases.

Glad to hear this will be possible in the future! The ability to identify instances where a property is missing or not is really useful for smart groups and smart rules (e.g., to prevent overwriting previously set values).

In the interim, I’ll rely on sorting to find the unpopulated dates.