Hi all,
I’m new to using DEVONagent, and was trying to setup a Search Set to search this DEVONtechnologies Discourse forum, and I don’t know what I’m getting wrong, as either:
- The results I want keep getting shunted into Log with the No match error, or
- I get a whole lot of unrelated results from everywhere else flooding my Digest.
So, say I wanted to perform a search in discourse.devontechnologies.com for using DEVONagent to search Reddit. So I only want results from discourse.devontechnologies.com about DEVONagent and Reddit.
- I created a new Search Set and first thing I did was add https://discourse.devontechnologies.com to Sites, with mode set to Search.
I assumed this limited the scope of the search to just discourse.devontechnologies.com.
- I set the Default Query to
reddit NEAR devonagent
. - I set Follow Links to On Same Host, at 1 level.
- And I left everything else as default.
I end up with the following Digest and Log:
I changed the Default Query to reddit AND devonagent
and had the same results.
I then changed the Default Query to devonagent
and Secondary Query to reddit
And following this, I changed up every permutation I could think of involving all the different settings on Default and Secondary Query, Follow Links, Fuzzy etc. and no matter what I did, I simply could not replicate getting the four results I would get had I just searched on the forum search directly itself.
I would really appreciate some pointers or advice, as I’m obviously not understanding how the various settings on DA works at all.
(PS. I’m not specifically hunting for information on Reddit per se, I was just trying to learn how DA works by doing and selected Reddit as an arbitrary topic.)
Many thanks!