Hierarchical search in "See Also & Classify" tab


i’m wondering if there is a way to enable hierarchical searching when classifying. For example, with the search term “g1/sub3” only the group “subgroup3” should be displayed from the group “group1”. So entering the separator (/) followed by other search terms should enable a hierarchical search.

I want to solve the problem with classifying into subgroups that have the same group name.


No, this isn’t possible currently.

I have thought about this with the utility popovers, e.g., Move to.

However it is possible, it should be implemented because it would make manual classification much easier!

“currently”? :face_with_peeking_eye: should we have hope in the near future?

Maybe in the future but definitely not in the near future, other things have a much higher priority.

However it is possible, it should be implemented …

Bear in mind, I don’t recall other such requests, so “should be” is a matter of opinion :wink: