Historical Jounals

I’m working on some historical jounals an thought it might be possible to generate calanders for the years 1880-1895. Has anyone created such jounals or could advise how to created them.

The Calendar App on Mac OSX does it. Just have to go into Year view, click on the back button about a 141 times and it brings you to 1880 where you can print (to PDF for input into DEVONthink, I guess) daily, weekly, and monthly calendars.

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I have a huge historical journals collection stored on devonthink.

But it’s fairly boring stuff like

A group for the journal name, a subgroup for the year. Issues are named things like “21 26-mai-1894.pdf”. I use an applescript to scrape the filename and insert the correct publication date as custom metadata. (Be warned, apple script’s date parsing functions seem to be nonexistent or at least poorly documented. I should have used javascript, but I haven’t gotten around to reading the javascript Devonthink documentation).

An easier way is to simply print from the Year view and Select the time range. Change to January to show the year selector.

The start year can be selected and End after “X” months can be specified.
Then print to PDF or into DEVONthink.

Saves the 141 clicks :slight_smile:.

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Did you mean calendar ‘layouts’ into which you can enter text and other data into the spaces for the days/months ?

THanks will try


Yes I need to annotate and translate what are essentially photos of documents that are in my database. Thanks

THanks. I think I have sorted it for now I used the the templates for registers, created one calender for non leap years and another for leap years and then put the docs in the correct place for the decade (1982-1893) I was intersted in. Thank you.


Welcome @Gerry7

Glad you found a useful solution with a register template!

THanks. Can I ask you something I am trying to use DTTG with a database. I tried to delete it but it seems to be there as a shadow? Is there a idiots guide to to DTTG that I can learn how to optimise the back & Forth between my Databases on my MacMini , MacBook Pro ad IPAD?


The built-in Help covers many topics. Have you checked there?

I know you’ve found a solution, however Script: Create custom date register might be useful for you or other users (back then I forgot to post a link here).

The scripts asks for

  • start date
  • end date
  • let’s the user use custom strings

and thus makes it possible to create any hierachy.

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THanks so much. THis is very useful asnd will make reproduction very easy.

Great Stuff!

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