Horizontal rule in markdown E-Mail not displayed properly


I just realized an issue with horizontal rule within an markdown edited E-Mail message.

Create E-Mail in markdown format, using markdown commands for horizontal rule
Import this E-Mail in Devonthink
Check Preview pane

Expected result
Horizontal ruler will be display as “somehow” thin horizontal line

Actual result
Horizontal ruler is being displayed as a thick, black beam:

I checked DT2 (2.11.3) and DT3 (3.0beta1), both with same result.


Create E-Mail in markdown format, using markdown commands for horizontal rule

In what application?


Can you ZIP and attach the original file?

Here we are
Markdown Test-E-Mail.eml.zip (968 Bytes)

Thanks for the file. Not seeing an issue here.

Are you using a custom stylesheet in Preferences > Media > Style Sheet?

No. According element is empty, and I did not change the default

Does that mean, that you can not reproduce this result?

The alternate view uses macOS’ text engine to convert the HTML to rich text but the text engine doesn’t seem to like the embedded style sheet. Switching to the standard email view or using a different stylesheet should fix this.

As Criss noted, this is only displayed incorrectly in View > Document Display > Text Alternative.

I confirm. Changing document display from “Text Alternative” to “Best Alternative” solves this “issue”. I spent a screenshot for the case, that somebody else has this (not really) problem:

Thanks for your fast replies!

No problem!