How best to "Move" from Inbox folders to DB groups

I’ve got a set of folders that I use for clipping & filing articles and documents within my global Inbox. I’m wondering how users would advise me to “Move” files from the Global Inbox folder to my database groups.

It seems easiest to do do this through some Smart Rule set up, but there might be an easier way (and one that doesn’t involve setting up Smart Rule for each Inbox folder “Move”).

What do you suggest? Thanks!

I use an applescript to automate the Inbox>DB move
A single smart rule could trigger the script

My practice is a flat inbox, with no subfolders
Periodically, I use my script to help process the inbox entries; assigning name, tags, … and moving to DB


If you use a smart rule, the “Search In” condition could be made the top level of the global inbox. Then, you wouldn’t need a separate rule for each folder inside your inbox.


Thanks very much. I should clarify my set up and process a bit more…

Basically, I have two main groups in my Global Inbox: Articles & Documents (for official documents). If I were a zoologist, the groups and subgroups would break down like this…


On the other hand, I’ve also got project-specific groups in my databases, i.e., project-groups like Antelopes , Gorillas and Whales.

These project-specific groups contain the following folder (group) structure…

1. Interviews
2. Media (photos / videos)
3. Articles
4. Documents
5. Administrative

It’s obviously quicker and easier to clip articles within the Global Inbox’s subject-based Articles & Documents – rather than navigating to project-specific groups->3. Articles->RAW groups.

So, with that background, I’m wondering how best to Move files from Global Inbox’s subject-based groups (Articles & Documents) to the Articles & Documents groups within the project-specific groups. Hope that makes sense! And thanks in advance for your help and input…

Could you share the script that you were referring to? Is it a trigger script? I’m curious how it works. Thanks very much…

After setting the variables, the script executes this code

tell application id "DNtp" ------------------------------------------------------------- Update Note; Group, Title, Subject Date, DueDate , Tags ...
		set theNote to move record theNote to theFilingGroup
		set name of theNote to theTitle
		set tags of theNote to tags of theNote & theTagList
		set locking of theNote to true
		if setDueDate then add custom meta data theCalendarDate for "taskdate" to theNote
		set label of theNote to taskLabel
		set comment of theNote to comment of theNote & reference URL of theNote
	end tell
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Thanks very much for sharing this! I confess I’m not great with scripts (I just don’t know much about how to assemble them, and lack much coding knowledge), so apologies in advance for my ignorant questions. Quickly…

-What are variables need to be set? Are they variables within the DTP Inbox / group(s) set-up? For the script? Both?

-After adjusting the script to match the DTP groups (and/or Tags), does one compile & save the changes in AppleScript?

-And then, I assume you just attach the script to the group(s), is that right?

Thank you!

BTW, I’m curious about how (or why) you use this if you’ve got a “a flat inbox, with no subfolders”…

Is your issue “one-off” or routine?


When I’m clipping via DTP, I’m saving files into one of the Global Inbox subject - specific groups, e.g…



When saving an article file (PDFs, mostly), into GLOBAL INBOX → Articles → Gorillas

I’d like the newly saved articles to automatically move to WORK DATABASE → GORILLAS → 3. Articles → RAW

Does that make sense? Happy to explain further… Thanks!

DEVONthink desktop might help.

You can view many examples of scripts by clicking the scripts icon in the top menu bar
We use app Script Editor to edit the script
I created folder -My Scripts and store my scripts there
Screen Shot 2021-05-28 at 11.14.55

Are they variables within the DTP Inbox / group(s) set-up? For the script? Both?

The variables are defined within the script
For example theTitle is a variable,
which I set to yyyy-mm-dd type [details] keywords

All DTP records/groups have columns such as name, tags, label…
these are defined in the DTP Script dictionary

My script sets the values for some of those columns
for example - set name of theNote to theTitle

I’m curious about how (or why) you use this if you’ve got a “a flat inbox, with no subfolders”…

I need to move records from the Inbox to the Database
At the same time, The script simplifies/enforces standards as to record name, tags, …

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Thank you very much for this explanation and breakdown! It’s very helpful… So, in order for this to work does one need to change or refer to a file’s element (name, tag, etc.) in order for it to move from one DTP to another?

I thought there were trigger scripts that could simply move all files, regardless.

In my example I coded a variable (theNote) that references the record being moved
Since I trigger the script manually, I coded - set theNote to get selected
If the script is triggered by a DT Smart Rule, the rule sets the variable automatically

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I think I follow you. Are you first titling files and then applying tags to them before moving? I think I’m giving up on tags in DTP, but I’m curious how / why you use them.

BTW, I also discovered this approach…

I use the Inbox for Collection
I use a script to assist with Processing

Yes, Processing involves title, tags, and moving the record to the DB

The script assistes/ensures that the titles are all standard, for example prefixed with the date (yyyy-dd-mm)

The script also assists with tag assignment
All my records have a type tag; for example Receipt
Receipt records also have tags for Vendor and Budget-Category

Tagnames are also appended to the Title
Here’s an example of a receipt record title
2021-05-27 Receipt [Lunch] zTypeReceipt zVendorTimHortons zBudgetFoodDining $-2.09

Interesting process. Thanks!

I use the same naming convention for my files, proceeding with a three letter prefix (ART for articles ; DOC for documents, etc.).

Have you considered using TextExpander for that? I find that it’s much quicker and easier to use…

Applescript does the complete job; title, tags, Inbox>DB
Also creates a calendar entry for events