How can I exclude a group from showing up in Globals > Tags?

Is there a way to do this? I have 6 different groups with different versions of a set of documents. I only want the latest drafts to appear in that Globals > Tags place. I’d be happy to either (a) select-all the contents of the first 5 groups and exclude them that way, or (b) select their folders and exclude them—either is fine.

Select the group, then enable Exclude from tagging in the Info inspector.

That option is dimmed. Moreover, it (appears to be) dimmed for anything I select.

Did you select the group in the item list?

Yes. I think so:

You clearly have a document selected here…

Ah! I see what you mean. Here it is with a group selected:

Yes, I thought it should be applied to groups. Then I tried all types of records to see if the Tagging might undim under any circumstances. Sorry about that!

No worries.
There are no tags on the selected document or group.
And you’re not using group tags, so why would you need to exclude them from tagging?

Most of the documents inside that selected folder there have tags. I want to exclude all of them from the Globals > Tags collector.

Is there some way to exclude tagged documents from appearing inside Globals > Tags? Do you suggest we make a Smart Group? I take it that dimmed Tagging option is unrelated to my request. Is that correct?

Wouldn’t it be easier to remove the tags from these documents e.g. via smart rules? Or are the tags still necessary although you don’t want to see view them?

Yes, I want to keep the tags intact. It’s an issue of versions. Each group is a draft (not really, it’s a stage in a transformation process) and I cannot delete them.

It’s possible that I don’t understand the functionality of the dimmed option that is never not dimmed. Is it supposed to be relevant to my goal (of keeping tagged items from showing up inside Groups ⟩ Tagged)?

And the fact that it’s always dimmed—how is this possible? Is there a situation where it is not dimmed?

I’m using MBP 16” 2021 • macOS 12.7.1 • DT 3.9.6

It’s actually only available for ordinary & group tags but not for documents and not for groups if the database option Exclude groups from tagging is enabled

The Tags section of the sidebar can’t be customized, therefore the only options would be to either to remove the tags from the drafts or to use a smart group that shows only the desired documents.